The Ebono Institute works with small businesses to maximise sales, release profits and network with other companies to hold their own in turbulent times. We do this through sales management, online and media marketing and streamlining your technology.

Goldratt’s book about the Theory of Constraints

In many cases it actually costs you less to do more business, even after you have paid our bill.

Resource Allocation to Maximise Profits – RAMP – is based on the chemical engineering concept of process throughput. In commerce that is known as the theory of constraints and has been formalised by Goldratt and his followers. In sales it has been simplified and is commonly called pipeline analysis.

We help you build a map of your business, identify the problem areas, and formulate a plan that will get you the maximum results in the shortest time.

Using this approach we have helped a market stall owner build an international business, a nutritionist become an online guru and all of our clients promote their goods and services more effectively. Along the way we have solved everyday problems for our clients so they can get on with the job of doing what they are good at, delivering the products and services that are uniquely theirs.

We help you to maximise sales and increase profit to achieve your goals. Download our white paper on how.

We focus on small to medium enterprises because we like working with passionate people.

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