
Sustainable Engineers Conference – advertisement

Ebono Institute was hired to pull together a 45 second ad for the 2013 conference based on the title Looking back – Looking forward and making use of the footage from previous conferences.

A review of the previous footage revealed few compelling images and so a script was developed based on the notion of looking back – looking forward. We found some fantastic archival footage that fitted the concept and selected a key 10 seconds of that to build the advertisement around.

To save the client money, the development was staged with the board having approval at script, storyboard and first cut stage. Thefirst cut went for final treatment at a professional studio at a fraction of the price that a full studio would have charged for development from scratch.

Footage was sourced from a range of places including:-

123RF Stock Photos and

Click the image to watch the Sustainable Engineer’s conference advertisement



Over 50, and Under No Illusions

Diego Ibarra Sanchez for The New York Times

Clare Novak was running out of work as a management trainer. Then a business contact tipped her to a job in Pakistan; she jumped at the chance.


IT’S a baby boomer’s nightmare. One moment you’re 40-ish and moving up, the next you’re 50-plus and suddenly, shockingly, moving out — jobless in a tough economy.


Danny’s push to send Aussie wool north

Send warm aussie wool to the frozen north this Christmas.










Danny’s Knitwear is offering free shipping world wide, until Christmas 2012. This means that you can give Australian knitwear to your friends and family in their winter for the same price as you buy it at the Victoria Markets


Cutting your losses

One challenge for business is making a decision to cut your losses.

The theory is simple, if a deal/transaction/relationship is costing you money instead of making you money you should get out.

We all know the problem, though.
1. I have invested so much time/money/effort I do not want to throw it away ….
2. We are nearly at the critical point. As soon as we … things will turn around.
3. The fundamentals are good, this is just a short term problem.

We justify the situation based on instinct and then rationalise that instinct using whatever numbers we can find that support our instinct.

So how do we make that decision more intelligently?

It helps to have a few simple and strong criteria.
1. How much is this costing me? Not a gut feel, an actual number please.
2. How else can I obtain the strategic value this is supposed to bring? If we are brutal, a lot of our pet projects are really only pet projects by accident. Some one gave us a tip over dinner, we picked it up at a seminar, someone we respect did it in their business. There are probably much more logical ways to achieve the same objective. Stand back and have a good look at what you are setting out to achieve.
3. Are my core values being compromised? It’s a pretty simple yes or no. If you’re not sure, that’s a negative.
4. What is the trend? Use your statistical nouse. Check the long term rolling average against the short term. Something that has been consistently getting better for months but had a bad week last week is not the same problem as something that it dribbling along and last week was worse than usual. If the long term trend is okay but the short term trend is about to start pulling it down, it is time to act now, not after the rot has set in.
5. Am I having fun? Seriously! If you are not, then you are not going to put your heart and soul into it. If your business is a chore, get out of it. Now!

We are all prepared to compromise one or two of these simple criteria to get major benefits in one or more of the others. My recommendation is that as soon as two of these look shaky, though, it is time to get out – or at least stop putting any energy/time/money into it.
There is nothing worse than looking back at a month and saying these figures are bad because I was distracted. This is a tool for dealing with those distractions earlier than our emotional self will generally let us.

Ebono MD enters political fray

Ebono Institute managing director, Geoff Ebbs, has been preselected by The Greens to run against Kevin Rudd as the candidate for Griffith. As we have no control over the date of the election, David James, Dave Fregon and the team are preparing themselves to take over the reins when the election is called.

We are aware that our clients come from all manner of political persuasions but remain sure that our integrity and hard work are more important to you than any philosophical differences.


Siesta now official policy

The quest for a robust work-life balance eludes many organisations.

Ebono Institute managing director, Geoff Ebbs, has decided to re-institute the siesta as a sensible and healthy way of achieving this elusive end.

In summer, the Ebono Institute will be open until 12:00 midday EST (1pm EDST) and will re-open at 2:30pm (3:30 EDST).

Clients will be able to join Ebono Institute staff for lunch, exercise and rest, but no work will be done during this midday break. Phones and emails will not be answered.


Ebono Institute advertisement runs

The Ebono Institute is advertising in the next three issues of the Greens magazine.

You can check out the advertisement here (Greens_nov) or read the full magazine online


New review for John Bailey

Internationally awarded Australian author, John Bailey, has just added a review to his website.

A long term Ebono Institute client, John is feeling his way forward into social media as his readers contact him electronically.


Rachel Arthur takes holistic medicine to the doctors

Nutritionist and long term client of the Ebono Institute, Rachel Arthur is running an extended seminar series next year, taking her unique approach that combines naturopathy and pathology with nutrition to medical audiences across Australia and New Zealand.

With online mentoring and discussion services now available through her web-site, Rachel is geared to take the world by storm, electronically


Press release for Danny’s knitwear

Media release

Wednesday 7th November

For immediate release

Father and son duo take on British Post

Victoria market stall holders, Danny and Ariel Lewin, have decided to strike a blow for the little guy in the international postage war and offer free delivery anywhere in the world until Christmas.

“Australian small business is really hurting from the British Australia Post deal,” said Ariel Lewin, “and this is hurting Australian manufacturers, retailers and wool growers. We decided to cop a bit of a hit on our profits and take the fight right to them.”

Ariel is the younger Lewin in this father-son business that has operated out of Melbourne’s Victoria Markets for thirty years.

He said that many Australians send quality Australian knitwear overseas for Christmas but the postage rates from Australia are high by international standards and this is hurting business.

He has built up the online side of the business over the last year and is shocked by the low postage imports flooding the market. “They pay no freight and do not have to pay GST. How can we compete?” he asked.

Danny Lewin emigrated from Argentina over thirty years ago and has built a business selling Australian wool and possum fur products to a local and international audience.

“International visitors come to the market looking for something uniquely Australian and these merino and possum products provide a high quality, good looking export, that they are proud to take home,” Danny Lewin said.

For more information about Danny’s Knitwear, this special offer or to arrange interviews with Ariel Lewin, please contact Geoff Ebbs at the Ebono Institute on 07 3103 3938